4a-engineering supports WHO Covid-19 Fund!
The world is coming together to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing governments, organizations and companies from all industries and sectors as well as individuals together to help respond to this global outbreak. The outpouring of global solidarity and support sparked by this shared challenge has already been phenomenal.
With great pride we’d like to announce that 4a is also actively taking part in the fight against the current pandemic as our Christmas donation for the WHO-Covid-19-Fund has been transmitted. It will support the WHO in several topics as well as send funds to where they are needed the most.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is leading and coordinating the global effort, supporting especially disadvantaged regions of the world to prevent, detect, and respond to the pandemic.
We wish you all good health.
- Your 4a-engineering Team!
4a Summer School - free webinar and training
Material characterization with VALIMAT® and IMPETUS®
We would like to announce, that we have scheduled a free Online-Training for customers and those who are planning on becoming one. The webinar will contain essential information on general material characterization and the advantages of our products IMPETUS
It will be held from 9 - 11 a.m. CET. The first week will provide an overview on our product portfolio, polymer testing and the benefits from using our products in your daily workflows.
In the second week we will deep-dive into material models, how to generate material cards with our software VALIMAT
® and how to effectively interpret and evaluate measurement results.
1st week - Introduction and outlook
- 07. July - Introduction to VALIMAT® - from test to material card
- 08. July - Efficient dynamic testing with IMPETUS®
- 09. July - Material card generation: vonMises plasticity (*MAT_024), simple failure, setting up our Autofit
- 10. July - Summary: Lessons learned, outlook and upcoming features
2nd week - Advanced topics
- 14. July - Evaluating and checking test data - interpretation of typical results
- 15. July - Material card generation: general yield surface (*MAT_187) and other material models, failure approaches and comprehensive Autofit setup
- 16. July - Material card generation: Fiber reinforced plastics and their modelling approach: an extensive guide
- 17. July - Python: a powerful tool with VALIMAT®, user defined material cards/specimen, upcoming features
We hope you seize this great opportunity and tune in. Our registration forms can be found
DYNAmore Express Webinar - Modelling plastics in LS-DYNA®
VALIMAT® 3.7 release has been sent out
The most well-rounded update package yet
- New Autofit is live; it's never been easier to generate material cards
- Full implementation of the Photron™ highspeed camera system with fully automized image and video creation
- Various new options for FE-solvers regarding elements, material cards and new settings
- New validation and optimization options added
- Implementation of several convenience options and minor bugfixing
VALIMAT® 3.6.1 update is now available
Several bugfixes and evaluation issues have been resolved
VALIMAT® 3.6 release is now available
We improved a veriety of convenience features and polished evaluation and filtering
- DIC standard improvement (Shear, various channel calculations)
- Improved evaluation (Compression testing, new filter options, zero-point-evaluation, stiffness calculations)
- Large deflection evaluation changed according to DIN EN ISO 14125:2011-05
- "Create Report" - feature capabilities improved
- New FE-solver versions supported
- many minor changes, new warning messages and bugfixes
The latest test setup for IMPETUS® - a dynamic tensile test - was presented at the Dynaforum in Bamberg. Using a high-speed camera on the speckle pattern of the test specimen (DIC) similar test results compared to those from a servo hydraulic machine can be achieved.
VALIMAT® 3.5 is now released.
There are many new features like
- some redesign of the GUI
- automatic import of DIC data
- new FE-models: 4-point-bending, puncture test
- many further material cards and enhancements/new features of material cards (e.g. for LS-Dyna®: MAT_081, MAT_089, MAT_215, MAT_ADD_EROSION, ...) included
- python scripts for additional evaluation possibilities of test data and model results
Download a more detailed presentation here.
We now have an official Youtube-Channel, where you can find interesting highspeed-videos of tests done by IMPETUS®.
The official Impetus software VALIMAT® 3.4 is now released.